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5 Tips To A Great Postnatal Confinement Experience

After nine long months, your date with your precious bub is finally here! Birthing your baby may be the most challenging thing you will ever have to go through but even after labour, the hard part is not over. The powerful contractions of your uterine muscles combined with the various hormonal changes that facilitated the birthing process can be taxing on your body.

At this point, a good rest is in order. While you are excited to spend every waking minute soaking in your newborn, it is especially vital that you work on restoring your health because postpartum recovery, which takes about 6 weeks, is crucial in preventing long term health complications.

So, with a little bit of discipline and a whole lot of help from your support system at home, these five tips will ensure that you stay in the pink of health!

Dietary requirements - You are what you eat!

As your body undergoes hormonal fluctuations postpartum, it is important to watch what you eat and avoid foods that could trigger mood swings.

What to eat

· Foods high in iron as a lot of iron is lost during childbirth.

· Foods high in protein to support healing of your postpartum wounds.

· Plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables that contain nutrients to help your body bounce back to its pre-pregnancy state.

· Continue taking your prenatal vitamins especially if you are breastfeeding.

What to avoid

Foods that are high in carbohydrates and sugar as they can negatively affect your mood.

· Avoid caffeine as it can lead to dehydration.

Dealing with water retention

Contrary to popular belief, drinking water helps to reduce water retention. It also helps to, replenish lost fluids during childbirth and keep you hydrated to meet your body’s changing needs. How to get rid of water retention?

What you can do

Drinks lots of water. Especially if you are breastfeeding, because water is needed to produce breastmilk which is made up of 90% water.

· A good postnatal massage can help to stimulate proper blood circulation and reduce the swelling caused by water retention.

· Elevate your feet wherever possible, to encourage water to flow to other parts of your body and reduce the swelling around your ankles and feet.

What you shouldn’t do

· Eat foods that have high salt content. A high salt intake can increase water retention.

· Drink beverages with caffeine because caffeine causes dehydration.

Postpartum hygiene

Recovering from your postpartum wounds are a large part of a healthy and successful confinement.

What you should do?

Whether you have had a caesarean section or an episiotomy, make sure you clean and care for your wounds regularly as recommended by your doctor to ensure that they heal effectively to prevent infections.

What you shouldn’t do?

If you experience symptoms, such as increased swelling and intense pain, please do not try to treat these symptoms yourself. Instead, call your doctor immediately and make an appointment for a visit as soon as possible.

Adequate Sleep and Rest

The importance of sleep for recuperation, cell renewal and cell regeneration cannot be understated for a mother – postpartum. Sleep is extremely vital to promote hormonal balance and reduce feelings of anxiety, fatigue and irritation that can otherwise lead to postpartum depression.

What you should do?

Formulate an afterbirth plan before you pop. Hire a confinement nanny to help you during your confinement or call on family and friends to support you during this crucial time to help with cleaning, cooking and the management of your household while you recuperate and rest.

What you should avoid?

As your postpartum wounds are still fresh, refrain from any strenuous activities or exercises until you have been cleared by your healthcare practitioner. Besides carrying your newborn, avoid any sort of heavy lifting as this may further aggravate your wounds.

Managing Postnatal Blues

What are postnatal blues? They are feelings of irritation, fatigue, anxiety, guilt and loss of appetite which are very common as hormones take a dip immediately after childbirth. So, it is perfectly normal to feel less than okay as your body adjusts to the new changes it is experiencing.

What you should do?

· Constantly communicate your needs to your support system so that they may be able to respond in time and provide the help you require during this difficult time.

· Hand your newborn over to your husband or nanny if it is going through a bout of crying, then step away and take a break. Spending some time away from your baby gives you the mental space you need to reduce feelings of anxiety and to overcome the sense of helplessness that new mothers often face.

So, remember mommas, you have earned the privilege to kick back and relax during your confinement and be assured that this journey is just temporary. With the adequate amount of rest, support and nourishment, you will be back on your feet in no time!

Is Postnatal Confinement Really Important?

In this modern era, postpartum confinement may seem an outdated traditional hassle, however what it does is to tide mummy through the toughest period post pregnancy. This period is usually one month long, during which mothers are placed on a particular diet and adhere to a strict dress code. Considering the dynamics of the current Singaporean culture and advocacy for liberal minds, some mothers may object to the practice. The experience of having your friends restricted from visiting you, staying indoors for a month and controlled movement may not be a good idea for some mothers.

The confinement is vital to the mother because it helps in physical recovery and gives her time to adjust to the new member of the household. The pain experienced during delivery may affect your emotions, and this could be worse when you are exposed to external disturbances. In some instances, the mother may realize the vitality of solitude and even request for an extension of the period.

Despite modernization and lifestyle changes, here are reasons why confinement practice is still relevant.

1. Reduce the chances of postpartum complications

The causes of these conditions can be external or internal. Reducing excessive interactions with other people who could act as agents of stress is essential to helping her recover from childbirth. However, the mother should be willing to share her feelings with members of the family and close friends because silence could also be detrimental. Read more tips on how to reduce stressduring confinement.

2. The right diet

It could be difficult for you to say no to a treat from your friends, especially when it comes to food you absolutely love. It could be unhealthy for you and the baby. There is always a special diet that new mothers can adhere to during confinement. The diet will help the mother regain her health. Pregnancy and childbirth are heavy duties, and your body needs to regain the lost blood and essential minerals such as calcium and iron. The diet will also help you in milk production and reduces postpartum stress.

Learn how Yue Zi Le Confinement Catering can a part of postnatal recovery.

3. Peaceful environment for the newborn.

Babies are very delicate, especially in the first three months after birth. You do not want to expose your child to noise, extreme perfumes or even motor exhausts. Confinement helps you keep off places that may expose your baby to such disturbances. Your confinement nanny agency will also advise the nanny on how to create a quiet environment for you and your child. Since she is a professional, you will have no challenges about how she behaves around you.

4. Time for reflection

Most mothers will have little time, if any, to meditate after childbirth if one resumes to normal life immediately. It is essential that you have enough time to contemplate about relationships that matter in your life. The practice will reduce the chances of strained relationships with your family members after delivery. The time gives you an opportunity to recover emotionally from any negative attitudes. With the little one to cater for, life can become a roller coaster. You will not have adequate time to reflect on the best parental practices for your child, how to adjust your life both financially and socially and accommodate your partner. It is thus important to set aside some alone time for reflection.

5. Confinement strengthens the bond between the mother and the baby.

Recent outcries about strained relationships between children and their parents is a significant concern. Healthy relationships can only be created in initial stages of growth. Therefore, confinement proves essential in solving this social menace. The baby will be able to interact with the mother and form a formidable bond. The period will allow you time to understand your baby’s needs, how to interpret their cries and how best to nurse them. You will also help the baby create a sleeping pattern and adjust well to their new environment.

In conclusion, though confinement may be viewed as an obsolete practice, it remains relevant. The practice should be tailored to the modern dynamics to be helpful. However, some practices in confinement should be done away with because they add no value. For example, overdressing even during summer and the no-shower practice in some cultures may be disadvantageous to the mother and the baby. There is no proof that some of these practices are essential, but there are only false ideas about them.

The mother should also be allowed the freedom to choose the length of her confinement period. The conventional one month may not apply to all women. Some may need a more extended period while others may require a lesser period. Yue Zi Le Confinement is a leading postnatal confinement meal provider. Let Yue Zi Le Confinement assist you in making plan for your postpartum meals. Visit for more informations.

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